My husband understands my needs and tries to make sure that I have a lot of freedom to express myself. For a recent birthday, he arranged a pleasant surprise for me. We always book into a hotel, one of the tops ones in London, but on this occasion, he asked London escorts services to provide escorts for couples. I would recommend this service to other bisexual ladies as well. It was a sensual experience, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I might treat us to an extra pair of helping hands again.
I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as escorts for couples here in London. Previously I had read about the service is available in places like Las Vegas, but I had never come across it in London. It was an exceptional experience, and I must say that it is the right solution for couples like my husband and myself. The girl who came to visit us was stunning, and I enjoyed her company immensely. It is hard, but you know what to do instinctively. I had such a great time, and I am sure I could repeat the experience at home.
It might be even sweeter to order the service at home. After all, at home, I have a kit of fun toys that we can play, and perhaps escorts for couples would enjoy it more. I have looked on the website, and I have found that many girls who operate this service are very sexy and beautiful. So far, I have only met one girl, but I would like to meet many exotic beauties.
I am blonde, so I enjoy dating brunette girls. A lot of my partners have been dark in the past, and I would like to continue to date hot brunette girls. My husband is dark, so it must be something with dark hair and dark skin that turns me. I love the way dark skin looks under my pale fingers and how my long polished nails shine against their skin. I find this a very erotic experience, and I love to touch and explore. My husband feels the same way about me.
I wouldn’t mind if my husband brought his date. I think it is unfair that escorts for couples are for me, and he might like to bring his own company. The girls on the website who look after the boys are as stunning as the other ones; I am sure that he would enjoy their company. A massage date would be the best solution as he is often exhausted and achy when he comes from work. Maybe I should grab the bull by the horns and arrange this for him as a sweet surprise.