An international men’s magazine recently indicated that London is perhaps the most popular capital to date escorts in all around the world. The figures were based on gents who travel around the world on international business and claim that they date hot and sexy escorts wherever they go. The data was collected and put together by a leading US survey company and Pimlico escorts came out on top. They were listed as supplying the most popular and sophisticated escorting service in the entire world, and many gents said that they now only date when they visit Pimlico or surrounding areas.
There are very few cheap escorts services provided by Pimlico escorts from, so I can only presume that many of these men date VIP or elite escorts. Both of them are very special services but they are probably the busiest services in town. To be able to access the services you need to have a fair bit of spare cash as dating elite or VIP does not come cheap at all. The lowest hourly rate that you would be looking at would be around £200 per hour but the hourly rates can be a lot higher than that. Be careful to check the rates before you arrange any dates in London.
Pimlico escorts provide many exceptional services and they include massage dates. Business travelers from all over the world often come off airplanes feeling very stressed and tense, and are in need of a good quality massage. The first call is normally to one of the many agencies in Pimlico which provide this kind of services. Some leading escorts agencies around the capital, now have escorts who specialize in massage and many of them are very busy. Massage service can sometimes be a little bit more cost effective than other services found in London.
Pimlico escorts are also busy trying to keep up with the demand for dinner dates. Once again this goes back to the many international travelers who visit Pimlico. They may not be traveling with their partners but would still like to be able to enjoy a bit of sexy companionship over dinner at night. Eating alone can be a real bore, but at the same time, many gents like to entertain guests. This is where Pimlico girls stand out. Many of the international escorts who work in Pimlico speak more than one language and this can help a lot during business dinners.
There is little or no surprise that Pimlico escorts are the most popular escorts in the world. They provide such a huge range of services that most gents are spoiled for choice. International visitors who come to London on a regular basis know that they will be taken care of in more ways than one. Every need and every whim can be catered for by one of the many escorts services in Pimlico. All of the services offered run very smoothly and the agencies are operated by professionals who know what they are doing, it all makes a huge difference.