Things to think if its Good or Bad

Some people are not into body hair at all, and others are obsessed by body hair. A lot of Earls Court escorts like know that some of their dates are really into body hair and like a lot of it. On the other side of the spectrum Earls Court escorts may meet a lot of dates who just hate body hair.

Why are some people more into body hair than others? Today, we are going to let our resident sex expert Dr. Cruz explain this matter.

To Hair or Not – That’s the Question

The fixation with body hair is an interesting one, and is rooted deep within our culturally conceived ideas. It often goes back to the way we learned to accept and process the concept of beauty when we were young.

Earls Court escorts often deal with dates who are a bit OCD about body hair. Some may really like it, others may just hate.

Many men from Arabic countries like a bit of body hair on a woman. This is a sign of health and the concept has been passed down to them through generations. Shaved pubic areas may even turn them off and they may walk out on their dates.

Western men have different ideas. A lot of them do like dates, or Earls Court escorts, with a lot less hair. Many girls do like to compromise and may discreetly go for the many different styles of waxing which are available today. This is a really good way of dealing with the problem, and can even keep everybody happy to a certain extent.

Sometimes men do express in interest in shaving their dates, and of course this issue has to be dealt with discreetly.

Many dates from other parts of the world, do like to see arm pit hair or hairy legs. It is such a personal thing, and who are we to judge. However, it is an issue and can be dealt with in many different ways.

Hairy or None Hairy Girls

As a matter of fact, there are a lot of men who have a real obsession about hairy Earls Court escorts and even ask for them. This is a really good way of dealing with the problem.

A lot of male Earls Court escorts do also shave their chests waxed or shaved, and perhaps even other areas of their body. To many women this comes as a bit of surprise and sadly when many dates are arranged, this is seldom discussed. It might be better to discreetly ask a lady if she prefers a manly look, or a “younger” look.

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