I am often asked by gents who I date Charing Cross escorts from https://charlotteaction.org/charing-cross-escorts, why women fake their orgasms. There are many reasons for that. Do I think that women should fake their orgasms? Well, if you are on an one-night stand, it does not matter so much. But, if you are in a permanent relationship, I don’t think that you should fake your orgasms. Simple tell your partner that you have not experienced an orgasm and let him help you out.
Men have changed their attitude towards the female orgasm. A lot of men have actually realised that is more difficult for women to achieve an orgasm, and they know that they have to help them out. I am sure that a lot of gents are now much more comfortable with sex toys and ways to help women to achieve orgasms. The gents that I talk to at Charing Cross escorts are certainly much more interested to help their lady friends out and I am sure that is a really good thing.
The reason a lot of women fake their orgasms is simply because they want to make sure that their partners feel good about themselves. Personally I think that a lot of gents are really hung up about women being able to achieve an orgasm by penetrative sex alone. That does not happen most of the time, and some women have never come when being penetrated. My dates at Charing Cross escorts are really surprised to hear that but it is true. Penetrative sex is not always that stimulating for women at all.
If you want to make sure that your partner has a good time in bed, you really need to learn how to talk about sex. Most gents find it hard to talk about sex, and women do as well. Like I say to my gents at Charing Cross escorts, it is really important not to feel rejected when your partner does not achieve an orgasm when you are having penetrative sex. There are several ways around the problem. One thing is for sure, you should not avoid the issue.
The best thing that you can do is to help your partner to achieve an orgasm by using sex toys. You can do so before you actually penetrate her or afterwards. Oral sex is another option but sometimes ladies have a problem with that as well. If your partner is not getting really moist, you should also use a lubrication gel. Just like other ladies, Charing Cross escorts do not achieve orgasms 100 % of the time when they spend time with their partners. It is not that easy, and you have to be able to share the responsibility for each other orgasms. Do men fake their orgasms? Sometimes men fake it as well. Most women presume that men come all of the time, but many men do fake their orgasms. So, I don’t think that women should feel guilty at all. Just be honest with your partner and say that I cannot come tonight unless you help me.