Enjoying the company of London escorts is one of the pleasures of living in London.

When I first moved to London because of my business, I though it might be hard to find a companion. But I was pleasantly surprised, it was a lot easier than I thought and I soon came across the girl at the local London escort service. As I did not really want a personal relationship due to pressure of work, I started to enjoy the company of escorts in the area. After a little while, I did realize that there was a lot more to escorts than dating on a personal basis.

After a couple of business trips to Japan, I caught on to the idea of hostage services. Business functions can be so boring but in Japan they brighten them up with hostesses. After a little while, I started to wonder if the same thing could work out here in London, so I asked a couple of the girls at London escorts about it. They were more than happy to indulge me and that is how it all began. Now girls from London escort services join me at all of my business functions.

Does it help to have London escorts around? I think it helps a lot to have London escorts around when it comes to business functions. They sort of seem to be brighten up the proceedings and at the same time they are great fun to spend time with. Lots of my Japanese business colleagues seem to appreciate the beauty of blonde London escorts. I do arrange for a lot of blonde escorts to attend my business functions as foreign gents are so fascinated by them.

Going for dinner with a group of London escorts is great as well. Not all of my business functions included dinners, but many of them do. I actually think that it is rather boring to just dine with a bunch of gents so I make sure that I invite some of the girls from the agency. It seems to work out really well and I have to say that a lot more business is done at these dinners. Of course, the gents get the chance to meet up on a personal basis with the girls after the dinner.

This idea has certainly benefited me and I know that it has benefited the girls at London escort services at the same time. They now get a lot more dates from the gentlemen that I have introduced them to. On top of that I know that many London escort services have started to offer hostessing. Sure it is fun to be meet a sexy London escort on a personal basis but there are more to it. Hostessing is popular all over the world, and I think that it is about time that we adopted the practice here in London. After all, there is nothing like the feminine touch when it comes to business. I am sure that we can all agree on that.

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