The working hours can be a bit odd, and the things we do are different, but otherwise no, she says. I go to work just like anybody else, and with the attitude that I am actually going to work. If you do that, you will find that you will do better as an escort. Some of the girls do not take escorting seriously, but to be good at it, you simply must take it seriously. I like what I do, and I set out to do it to the best of my ability.
Any job is an adjustment in life, and so was joining Mile End escorts. I had a few friends who had worked as escorts, so I knew a little bit what to expect. I was surprised how easily I took to the lifestyle of escorting. The thing is that I am a people person, and that makes it easier. Meeting new people to me is a great big adventure, and I think it is important to take your personality to work with you. Personally I smile a lot so this is what I take with me to work. Most of my dates are quite a bit older than me. Some Mile End escorts of say that it turns them off, but it does not bother me. I find that the men I date are very respectful, and they certainly have a lot to teach boys my own age. As a matter of fact, I would rather go out to dinner with some 55 year old guy.
They have a lot of things to say, and it is interesting. Now, after two years with Mile End escorts, I feel that some guys my age are boring. They cannot hold a decent conversation. Some girls who have left Mile End escorts, have ended up marrying older men and I can see how this can happen. It is a comfort thing, but it is fun as well. Many of these guys are super active, and do more than go to the pub. One guy called Steve is one of my favorites. He is a keen golfer, and I have been to his golf club. During a recent tournament, I caddied for him and we had a super time together.
I like him and he seems to like me. His friends don’t know that I am an escort, and Steve respects me too much to tell them. Needless to say, I like to see a lot more of Steve. He is 54 years old but one of the fittest guys I know. When I caddy for him, or meet at the golf club, I do so at a personal level. He is my friend, he says, and I am his friend. It feels really nice when he says that, and I almost purr with delight. Over Christmas he has invited me on a cruise. My boss does not know, he only knows I am having the time off, but I am sneaking off with my favorite gent.