Some of the girl here at Barnes escorts like to call their dates deviants. I am not sure where they are getting the idea from, but I would not call any of my dates deviants. We all have our own pleasures and we like to show them in different ways. Personally, I really like to date gents who are a bit deviant or a bit different. I don’t know why that is, but I think the truth is that many of these gents indulge my pleasure as much as I like to indulge theirs.
My friend Mike is a regular date at Barnes escorts. I love to dress up and role play, and the first time I opened my door dressed as Naughty Nurse, he was a bit surprised but not shocked. I love to role play and on our first date I got the idea that Mike may like that as well. That is why I dressed up as a nurse on our second date and he really loved it. Now, I ask you, who is the deviant in this situation, me or him?
Alan is another one of my hot dates at Barnes escorts from I know that Alan likes to see girls dance, so on our second date, I asked him to take me out for a night in Soho instead. We went to a couple of hot clubs and I found out a bit about myself on the date. I discovered that I like to watch girls dance as much as Alan does. We had a really great second date, and ended up spending some time behind closed doors with Alan. It was one of those nights you will not forget in a hurry.
Paul is another one of my favorite gents at Barnes escorts. He has a passion for good food but I don’t think that he is deviant at all. The fact that Paul likes to play with ice cream does not bother me at all. The other girls here at Barnes would probably like to call Paul a deviant, but I don’t think he is at all. I love him and I love to indulge is very whim. When I am being a bit naughty, Paul likes to tell me off but that is not a problem. He is a really nice guy and I adore spending time with Paul.
Are we too quick to pass a comment or make a judgement? I am beginning to think that we are and I don’t think that is okay. The press have introduced a lot of concepts and I am not so sure that I agree with them all. I like to have fun on my dates at Barnes escorts, and I think that many of my gents feel the same way, If that is true, I think that we should perhaps relearn our vocation as escorts and concentrate on having some fun with our gents as again. Isn’t that would escorting is all about at the end of the day….